Which clamp works best on nail strip, nail flange, snap-together profiles?

Nail-flange (or nail-strip) standing seam profiles with relatively low seam heights have become popular in residential and light commercial markets in recent years. They are typically manufactured from 26 and 24 gauge painted steel but may also be fabricated from other materials.


S-5! offers 3 specific clamp options for nail-flange. 

S-5-N iso gs dimensionThe S-5-N (and Mini) (also with an insert) are designed for applications on popular 1″ (seam height) nail strip metal roof profiles: Taylor Metals’ Easy Lock™, ASC Building Products’ Skyline Roofing®, McElroy Metals’ Meridian, and New Tech Machinery’s FF100, and roofing types with similar profiles.



S-5 N15 iso gs dimension


The S-5-N 1.5 (and Mini) are designed for most 1.5″ (seam height) nail strip metal roof profiles such as: Bridger Steel 1.5” Tru Snap, Schlebach 1.5” NailStrip, Sheet Metal Supply NS 1.5”, Sheffield Metals SMI 1.5” and roofing types with similar profiles.




S-5 NH15 iso gs dimensionThe S-5 NH 1.5 (and Mini) were designed to fit wider profiles that the S-5-N 1.5 will not fit. 

These clamps feature a hinged insert for limited wider nail strip profiles to prevent damage to the seam area on these wider seam profiles and are ideal for VicWest “Prestige” and similarly-dimensioned profiles. It is designed specifically for 1-1/2” (seam height) nail-flange profiles having a horizontal base-of-seam dimension (> 0.475” and < 0.800”).